Original Pony

Name: Gastar

Occupation: Nanny

Age: 17

Tallness: 17 hands.

Flavor: Polish Arabian. Also more poses. It’s like looking at kittens but more elegant and pranciful.

Style: Extra fancy.

Jodhpurs: Weensy, navy blue.

Neckerchief: Clasped with gold pin.

Helmet: Velvet, but not if I could help it because helmets are for people who fall off.

Bit: D-ring.

Mouth: V soft, both for bridle style and petting.

Accessory Color: Red.

Friends: Me, a fluffy cat named Guinevere, and a flamboyant peacock.

Side Hustle: CEO of the herd. 

Evidence: First ever horse show. I have boxes of ribbons I can attribute to this dear dude.

baby Hill and the lovely Gastar

He absolutely taught me everything about riding that I ever knew.  

A perfect gentleman and a perfect friend. 

It was totally May-December (or January-December) as he was 17 and I was 6.

Since we lived in the country, my parents made me back up the horse trailer because children drive, and when it got rolling his tail would go up and he would start prancing and talking… 

He fricking loved a show. As soon as he got on the grounds he was such a fancy pants all arching his neck and acting regal. We had a very good run. Also his conformation was excellent. And his lead changes were always on point.

This is the type of style he liked to live: fancy, prancy, 

Unfortunately he was old and had a bad hock. So when I started jumping he retired. Then again he was fairly old for a horse.

But we still spent special time together. As a prospective wild Indian, I tended to practice by galloping around bareback with no bridle.  So I would just hop up for a festive canter or whatnot. According to my mama this did not count as practicing for the show. According to me I was a magical horse-mistress/fairy queen. Then again I also spent a lot of time in trees.  

Then later, when I had a lazy funny jumping horse, I would still hop on and lay on his back reading a book while he grazed. Warm sunshine, good horsey smell, and a nice read. So much better than any couch. 

He lived a long life and had a very comfortable retirement. He taught me all the riding and I only fell off twice. 

He was so wonderful. 

Best first horse ever. I still always think of him as a most beloved close friend and mentor. And I can still imagine his lovely hay-ish warm smell. Alfalfa bitches. And sorrel, bran mash, sweet feed… And friendship. 

What a lucky girl I am. 

BFFs always.